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PS3 Yellow Light of Death Fix

Easy Way to Fix the PS3 Yellow Light of Death


Many of us have seen it. For those that have not, just give it some time. Not many things strike fear in the heart of gamers like the dreaded yellow light of death (ylod). If you're anything like me, you probably sucked it up and bought a new one when the funds were right. Many have tried to YouTube
how to fix it on your own, only to find out that its a bit harder to do than the 6 minute video leads it to be. Well now the days of terror are over. This quick and easy program here shows you exactly how to fix the ps3 yellow light of death on your own! No waiting weeks on top of weeks gor it to get repaired. No spending $100+ to pay someone else to do it. Now you can get it done at home. Even better, maybe you could even charge the $100 to fix other people's systems (wink, wink). 

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