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Fight Night Champions Tips

Fight Night Champion tips and tricks

fight night champion tips tricks cheats
So I have been getting all kinds of requests from people online regarding my Fight Night Champion tips and tricks. I am not exactly what most would call a serious gamer, but I do play Fight Night religiously. I can honestly say that it is the one game that I am really good at. So good in fact that I regularly have to create a new fighter pretty often because people recognize my fighter and will not fight me. Some people even know my ID and won’t fight me. A lot of champions also know me and won’t fight me either. I actually had a guy tell me straight up one day, “Sorry bro, but I won’t fight you cuz I don’t want to lose my belt”. My last fighter actually had me sitting at a record of 243 wins and only 8 losses. Out of those 8 losses only 2
of them were honest losses. The other 6 were from my game freezing and the stupid one punch KO (if you play FN you probably hate these as much as I do). So what makes me so good is what you might be asking. Its a number of things I do, but the main reason is that I feel I found the winning style and combination. The real kicker is how easy it is. Nothing complicated about it at all. So with that said, lets get to winning some fights.

Fight Night Champion tips and tricks: POWER

The first Fight Night Champion tip is the power shots method. Many don’t believe this is possible but trust me it is. I can go a full fight from beginning to end throwing ONLY power shot through the whole fight without draining stamina. The thing you have to do is watch your punch output. Many people throw excessive punches round after round and find themselves drained by round 5. I love when this happens! I limit myself to throwing between 50-60 punches per round. Again all power punches. This keeps your stamina up, drains their health and stamina faster and gets you bigger recovery between rounds. It also wins you more rounds because they are clean and effective punches landed. I’ve actually had people out land me like crazy but I still win the rounds anyways. The key isn’t only the power shots but the combination I use. Like I said earlier, its EASY! I stick to a simple two punch combo. I throw a power left uppercut to the body followed by an instant power straight punch to the head. THAT’S IT! That simple combo will win you fight after fight. Why? Simply put, they can’t block all the way across the body that fast. Either the body will land and head gets blocked, which is fine because their stamina will drain super fast. Or the body will get blocked and the head will land. Which is also fine for KO’s. Even better if both land it increases the chance of flash knockdowns or even one punch KOs. Don’t get me wrong though, there is some strategy to this. Again, watch your output. Don’t just go out and throw the combo non stop. Throw the combo, let your stamina reset take a breather and throw again. There is also more to it that I’ll get to in another post. 

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Fantasy Football: The Fantasy King

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  1. Putting your tips into practice. Just won two straight ranked matches. Both by KO. Thanks for the advice.

    1. Right on! I have new tips also. Feel free to add me bro. New tips are nice. Will be posting soon :)

  2. Really good? No, you probably just spam the same shit the whole time. Lame

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